Run!When temptation strikes, we can probably agree that all rational thinking goes out the window. Its allure has the ability to subdue your...
"Fighting Temptations"I think a common misconception about marriage is that once you’ve crossed over, you have won the battle against the temptation. This may...
Por-NO! pt.4Let's talk about the unseen long term damage you could potentially be doing to yourself and your spouse by consuming too much...
Por-NO! pt.3"JESUS!!!" I remember being on the brink of falling on one occasion and my wife was nowhere to be found. My will power was fading rapidly...
Por-NO! pt.2Make no mistake, porn is powerful and can lead to addiction very quickly. Scientifically speaking, you get the same rush of dopamine...
Por-NO! pt.1"No! Stop! Don't do it! Look away! Think about something else!" These are some of the tactics that I've tried in the past to evade the...