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"If you want to see change... CHANGE YOURSELF!"

By virtue of the fact that nobody is perfect, there is bound to be “something” you might want to change about your partner. Whether she doesn't want to hold your hand in public, or talks to you differently when her friends are around or not wanting to do that "thing" you like in the bedroom - there is almost certainly something you would want to change. First thing to note is that you CANNOT force her to change - or anyone else for that matter! If you are after change that is long lasting - YOU must embody that change you want to see. Sounds cliche but it’s true.

For example, once you start to addressing her respectfully in public, including her in conversations with your friends or asking her what she would like in the bedroom, you might find that the courtesy is reciprocated free of charge! It's good to be realistic and acknowledge that changes like these do not happen overnight but if you stick it out you see that “a change gonna come, oh yes it will".

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